Superior Maintenance Technology

About SMT2

SMT2 is a Synthetic Fluid which migrates to Load-Zones when added into the Oils of Lubricant Reliant equipment and vehicles @ 7% ratio. SMT2 molecules are the opposite polarity and attract to Fe surfaces, they activate when heat and load take place. SMT2 is not an additive as such but a “metal treatment” which uses the oil as a conveyance to migrate to the Load-Zones and increase resistance to wear by up to 650% when compared to Engine Oil only.

The activated SMT2 is inert when bonded to Fe metal surfaces, these molecules have a very high affinity to Fe metal surfaces, however even white metal bearings are reported to last longer in Dragster Engines if SMT2 is added to the Engine Oil they use.

When added to Gearboxes which are under extreme pressure, wear is greatly reduced. Water intrusion into Gearbox Oil can compromise Gearoil protection, however the addition of up to 10% of SMT2 is reported to greatly extend both Bearing and Gear Teeth life, in harsh conditions found in Abattoirs.

Due to reduced friction at load-zones found in lubricant reliant vehicles we have seen up to 27.7% less fuel consumption in both 4WD’s and Truck’s, this ability of SMT2 to cut fuel costs can offset the purchase price of SMT2 and also makes a financial profit for the Owner. Dunford Removals reported saving $585.00 in Diesel Fuel on a 6400km trip and also said he had more Power on hills and quieter Decibels.

David has been saving around $800.00 every 10,000 km oil change period. With fuel prices escalating he is saving even more money per trip !! The less fuel we use as a nation the less pollution takes place, if all the vehicles and earthmoving equipment in our country were using SMT2 the importation of our Fuel in Tankers from overseas would be greatly reduced which would be environmentally friendly! Less fuel. Less emissions, SMT2 is a very unique way to Maximise Horsepower, Reduce Wear, and Lower Fuel Costs, this triple benefit which is achievable when customers use this Synthetic Metal Treatment can cut Downtime Losses and also reduce Maintenance outlays and Spare Parts expenses.

SMT2 has been available in the USA for over 2 decades, in March 2006 we became the Sole Importer / Master Distributor of SMT2 for Australia and New Zealand, prior to this we had taken some SMT2 to QUT and tested it on the Falex Wear Test commonly known as The Pin and Vee Block Test ASTM D3233 which is a Tribolgy Test used to evaluate the ability of lubricants to resist metal to metal contact.